Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Please speak kindly to your SOUL. That greater place within you that remembers who you are; why you came here; what you are making your focus.  Actually when you remember you will then quite possibly began to feel the energy; know it is your personal power and began to move with the flow you intended to experience, expand and enjoy. Your attention is required.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


A wish is a soft asking; it's just the beginning. From that start can come everything you want, to do, be, or have made manifest or revealed in your LIFE. Find your JOY by alignment with your asking; feel it and the power of it through your attention to your own emotions. In what volume does that asking take place?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Wireless Info

Need true wireless access? Try prayer or meditation.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Life is. We are. NOW...what do you intend to do with it?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Rhythum of IN and OUT

As we experience LIFE here; extending creation through each phase, the living of LIFE  has allowed us collectively to become or advance culture and civilization through many different manifestations of fixed form and thought. We are paying more attention to the surrounding environments. Feeling and listening intuitively to its rhythms. Continue to find this connection through breathing. In. Out. Cleansing! Circulating! Replenishing! In. Out.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Pay attention to your intention by checking in on your own feelings. It can certainly reveal a wealth of data that may be lurking in your sphere.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Before you rise, reflect and project on that which was the day you just lived; that which is, which is where you are now also including that which is coming to be as a expansion of creation through your own experiencing. Its OK! Breathe becoming-ness into your being-ness.

Friday, January 8, 2010


A friend asked me what I meant when I commented that energy follows flow. I said, "Can't you feel it?" She said, "WHAT?!" and I said your LIFE calling you forward in the direction of that which you have asked for.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Your Power

Being forward and positive about the motion and flow of your experience is of the utmost importance. It can help verify the eternal validity of your expression by just you noticing. That awareness in turn summons thought and as previously reported energy follows thought. Nothing you are seeking is out side your feeling the experience. Use your powers through the connection that tethers you to your source.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Self Investment

Inviting yourself to your own party (living a creative, fun, and joy filled experience) is the first reference point in self investment. Being a professional about your own creativity, individuality, and spirituality; thinking and aware of your connection to it all makes you a personal power activist. Your expression is certainly worthy of self investment.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Energy Follows Thought

Your thoughts are power-filled and signal the energies associated with matter and light to manifest. Let it flow. Remember who you are and that the source of the signal and the flow of the energy come from the source within you. Each expression perfect. 

Monday, January 4, 2010


Feel the flow of Life as it gently reminds you of your eternalness. Feel the air circulating throughout your body; the ultimate ride en-fusing you with energy. Simple breathing does this. Awareness of it heightens it potential and possibilities as it nurtures and supports your experience. From this vantage feel the expansion of your life.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Appreciate Yourself As the Gift

Life is a wonderful and wonder-filled gift. All around every environment is the potential and possibilities that make our experience a unique expression of Life. Appreciate yourself and experience the gift.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Follow the flow of your LIFE to that which you are seeking to do be or have. Be patience with the mirror image after all it does have a much better view.

Friday, January 1, 2010


I hope you breathe more, feel more, and be more in the NEW YEAR. I hope you find your flow, groove and or niche and get busy about the business of loving you. Loving everything about what is and what's to be and yes, what was, cause it got you to what is-NOW. Live fully. Laugh loudly. Enjoy your really is supposed to be fun and is the essence of that which each and every day of the coming NEW YEAR brings.