Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Just Right!

This is a reminder that nobody stole it...your JOY; you can't give it away...your Wealth; and you certainly can't lose it...your allowing everything you envision as a part of your environment. Be the best YOU!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

What If I?

I am choosing a day to participate in my reality. To associate myself with the eyes of me, looking and reflecting in. It's my call to all. Focus inward toward the vision of that which makes you happy, feel good, know and receive JOY, and I do not care what that is; as long as its what you want, it must come forth when you feel it and believe its knowing within you. When we learn to serve ourselves, then the interest that involve us will receive the ultimate energy which flow through out everything...why not? Choose a day and reflect what you not buy into the mania that seeks to guide you away from your vision...DO YOU...DO YOU...DO YOU!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Scatter Kindness while Gathering Love!

Stop being a part of the mob and reach for your own personalized vision of what you want your experience to be. Don't worry! It will show up when you ask for the mean time, seed the clouds by doing what seems like small things: enjoy a bath; really smell a rose; appreciate others as they navigate the highway of life along with you. Join the community you where birthed in by showing up to your life when ever you think about how wonderfully blessed and highly favored you truly are...go ahead...scatter kindness while gathering love.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Personal Power

When did you decide that someone or something else determined your direction as you navigate this experience called life? You have the power within you to think, feel, and do incredible things; participate in wondrous events; change the course of humanity with your choices for you. You can't give up cause you wake up ever day knowing that you indeed do have choices. Ask for what you want! Trust your personal power; it is truly the source of your connection with what you may believe is your SOUL.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Doing What You Do!

Some have called it stinking thinking; it's a personal barrier that distracts you, from what you say you really want. Actually you're the problem. Perhaps its time to start asking yourself..."WHAT DO I WANT?" Remebering that its a question and that any question contains its own answers. What's the problem...what you waiting for? Go do you! Have any and everything you want because you believe and FEEL like you all ready have it. Our universe is steeped in this reality...ask and it is given. Believe in who you are!